
Xtras, plugins and stuff for FreeHand.

MX Developers Journal 2003 – 2004
MX Developers Journal 2005 – 2006
Rare to find! The out-of-print magazine series from Macromedia "MX Developers Journal” as PDF files. The magazine started in late 2003 through early 2006 and every issue has a lengthy article on FreeHand in color. Most are on techniques, little-known features, or working with other apps. Of course, all the other Macromedia programs, Fireworks, Flash, Dreamweaver, are in there as well.

Registration File
If your FreeHand does bounce indefinitely instead of starting, this may be because it tries to contact a deactivated Macromedia license server. Adobe has released a registration file to solve this problem. Download the zip file, decompress and install it in the following location: Macintosh HD\Library\Application Support\Macromedia.

FreeHand Trial for Mac
FreeHand Trial for Windows

FreeHand Xtra Development Kit
The FreeHand XDK provides everything developers need to create powerful extensions to FreeHand.

Angle 1.3.2 and Path Utilities 1.3
By Michael Slomski. ANGLE is a palette that shows the angle of any selected object and the length of two selected points. PATH UTILITIES has options for Selecting all points of Path, Selecting the first point of Path, and Deselecting the active points of a path. Also it will Copy/Paste point attributes. This Xtra is available for free.

Mac and Win. Simple imposition inside Freehand! Create crop marks and registration marks. Full version available for free!

BJcropmarks 1.1.3
Mac and Win. Create crop marks around selected objects within Freehand. This Xtra is available for free.

Close 1.1 and Smooth 1.1
(Direct download link) from Pat Dunlavey cartographics. CLOSE allows a user to close multiple paths in one operation. SMOOTH applies continuous curvature to multiple FreeHand paths. This Xtra is available for free.

NumberThem 1.2
Automatic Page Numbering for Macromedia FreeHand 10 & MX. A Freeware Xtra by Michael Thies.

Nagel's FreeHand MX Brushes
By David Nagel. This first library of styles includes 15 edge effects, some using brush strokes (included), others using basic strokes that have been modified with effects.

FreehandMX Drawing Brushes
17 Custom Drawing Brushes File for Freehand MX.

DRW4 Brushes
DRW4 Illustrator and Freehand Brushes.

DRW Brushes
DRW2 Illustrator and freehand brushes.